
All notable changes to DEIMS-SDR are documented here.

## [v.3.5.5] - 2024-05-07

### Added

- If correct boundaries (polygon or multipolygon) have been uploaded to the boundaries field the size field is now calculated automatically.

## [v.3.5.4] - 2023-08-23

### Added

- Fields "related identifiers" and "recommended citation" in the site data model

## [v.3.5.3] - 2023-07-26

### Added

- field "relationships to other sites" which will eventually replace both "parent site name" and "subsite name(s)"

## [v.3.5.2] - 2023-06-23

### Added

- fields "ROR" and "Funder ID" for organisations

## [v.3.5.1] - 2023-04-12

### Changed

- Updated REST-API to have more sophistaced error messages and allow additional filtering and exports; see api documentation

## [v.3.5.0] - 2022-07-18

### Changed

- Updated REST-API to reflect previous data model changes (renamed fields and changed syntax, e.g. "parameters" are now called "observed properties" and the structure of "air temperature" and "precipitation" changed 

## [v.3.4.0] - 2022-06-13

### Changed

- Extended site record map to also display subsites and related locations

## [v.3.3.0] - 2022-03-01

### Added

- Climate charts

### Changed

- fields "air temperature" and "precipitation"

- Visualisation for the observed properties

## [v.3.2.0] - 2021-05-27

### Added

- Additional field „referencedLocations“ in api/sites/{uuid} under the category “geographic”

- New api call api/locations/{uuid} which returns a GeoJSON

### Changed

- Path patterns of locations and sensors to deims.org/sensors and deims.org/locations (instead of the singular “sensor” and “location”)

- Renamed the site field "ecosystem and land use" to "ecosystem type"

- Renamed the site field "management of resources" to "land use"

### Removed

- field "history" from site form

- field "purpose" from site form

## [v.3.1.0] - 2021-02-26

### Added

- Field "Landforms" in the site form

### Changed

- Revised the site field "management of resources". The field now utilises the HILUCS classification

- Changed the site field "protection programme" to "protection level". The field now utilises the IUCN categories

- Renamed the site field "parameters" to "observed properties". The content of the field stays the same.

- Renamed the site field "infrastructure" to "equipment". The content of the field stays the same.

- Revised the list of values for the site field "site type (spatial design)". For details, refer to the data model

- Re-organised the structure of the site form altogether, e.g. order of fields, labelling of tabs.

### Removed

- "Protection programme cover" in site form

- "Protection programme notes" in site form

- "Data storage location" in site form

- "Data services" in site form

- "Data notes" in site form

- "Research Topics" in site form

- "Keywords" in site form

## [v.3.0.2] - 2020-08-11

### Changed

- Changed the DEIMS colour scheme to be more accessible

## [v.3.0.1] - 2020-03-23

### Changed

- Site Owner is now called "Operating organisation" and now allows only organisations to be referenced

## [v.3.0.0] - 2019-12-06

### Added

- REST-API (deims.org/api)

### Changed

- Updated user interface

- Overhauled search interface

- Modified project/network/RI affiliation documentation for sites

- Overhauled my content page

### Removed

- It is no longer possible to upload dataset files directly to DEIMS

## [v.2.4.3] - 2019-09-24

### Added

- Added download links for site centroid coordinates and bounding boxes

### Removed

- Shapefile field in site form. All boundaries functionality should now be stored in the "boundaries" field.

## [v.2.4.2] - 2019-08-13

### Changed

- Updated list of values for the field "Sampling Time Unit" (removed "half-daily, bi-weekly", "bi-monthly" and "bi-annual"

## [v.2.4.1] - 2019-05-27

### Added

- Added a status page that monitors the DEIMS-SDR subsystems: https://status.deims.org

## [v.2.4.0] - 2019-04-30

### Added

- Added a new contact form https://deims.org/contact

- Implemented new mailing system

### Changed

- Updated user account management system

## [v.2.3.0] - 2018-09-12

### Added

- New documentation: deims.org/docs 
We updated our documentation in order for it to be more user-friendly. We are looking forward to your feedback.

DEIMS now generates identifiers for sites, similar to an ORCID or a DOI. They are persistent, resolvable and unique.

- Added changelog page

## [v.2.2.1] - 2019-03-15

### Added

- Officially added a DEIMS-SDR training instance at https://training.deims.org

### Changed

- Minor updates and bug fixes for the site metadata model. Please refer to https://deims.org/models for details

## [v.2.2.0] - 2018-09-12

### Added

- New documentation: deims.org/docs 
We updated our documentation in order for it to be more user-friendly. We are looking forward to your feedback.

DEIMS now generates identifiers for sites, similar to an ORCID or a DOI. They are persistent, resolvable and unique.

- Added changelog page

### Changed

- We moved to a new URL: deims.org. 
While the old URLs still work and forward to the new URL it is recommend to update all references.

- Updated the login screen

- Modified the site form to better incorporate sites outside the LTER network

- Merged site, dataset, data product, sensor and network search pages into one global search

- Updated footer

- Moved several items from navigation menu to the footer

- Rearranged frontpage

- Changed fonts

### Removed

- Removed draft functionality for sites
We had to remove the feature to unpublish sites in order to comply with data citation standards

## [v.2.1.0] - 2017-08-28

### Added

- GeoServer instance and thus WMS and WFS support

- New map

- pyCSW instance and thus CSW and OAI-PMH support

## [v.2.0.0] - 2016-08-28

### Added

- Research Site as new conceptual model in addition to the Site (former research site)

- Included improved methods for harvesting of metadata

### Changed

- Update of the design and the map interface

- Updated site and dataset metadata model. These changes affect the following fields:

- Research topics

- Parameters

- Ecosystem and Land Use

- EUNIS Habitat types

- Infrastructure components